
Corpus Christi

Catholic Primary School

A Newman Partnership School within the Diocese of Portsmouth


New School Year 


Start of day


School gates open at 8:30am


Children must be in for registration by 8:50am


End of day


School gates open for collection at 2:55pm in the main playground


Reception children's day ends at 2:45pm


Year 1 children's day ends at 2:55pm


Year 2 children's day ends at 2:55pm


Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 (KS2) children's day ends at 3:05pm


Year 4, 5 and 6, including children with walkers' passes (KS2) leave at 3:05pm via the classroom or designated exit area.


Children who are collected late stay in their class.



Get in touch

Contact Details

If you would like a paper copy of any document held on our website, please contact the office.

Social Media


Awards we have achieved so far.

School Awards
