What training do staff supporting children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities have?
In order for inclusion to be successful, all of our staff benefit from on-going access to support, training and resources. A key aspect of this is mutual support and we readily share expertise between members of our staff with parents and carers so that we can work as a team most effectively to support children. External professionals are frequently involved in training with staff, parents and carers.
As new needs and educational research arise, staff are provided with up-to-date training.
Currently staff have received training in –
- Teamteach – a positive approach to supporting behaviour and de-escalating challenging situations involving positive handling.
- Autism Spectrum Disorder.
- Down’s Syndrome.
- Dyslexia.
- Dyspraxia.
- Precision teaching.
- Paired reading.
- FFT Early Literacy Intervention.
- PEIC-D (Promoting Early Interactive Conversations).
- Attachment disorder.
- Learn to Move – Move to Learn (Motivators).
- Early Help Assessment (EHA) training & lead professional training.
- ELSA – Emotional Literacy Support Assistant training.
- Bereavement and loss.
- Safeguarding – Levels 1, 2, 3 as well as other specialised training.
- Medical – first aid, epipen, diabetes, individual training around care plans and any medical equipment.
- Including the Hearing Impaired Child.
- Signalong – a sign-supported communication system.
- PECs - a picture exchange communication system to support communication.
- Think Bricks