
Corpus Christi

Catholic Primary School

A Newman Partnership School within the Diocese of Portsmouth


We recognise the importance of Science in every aspect of daily life. We aim to equip pupil’s with scientific knowledge, understanding and skills. We aim to develop children’s sense of curiosity, knowledge and conceptual understanding about the world through biology, chemistry, and physics.


Through biology, we aim for children to develop their knowledge of plants, animals (including humans), living things, habitats, evolution and inheritance.


Through Chemistry, we aim for children to develop their knowledge of rocks, everyday materials, properties and changes of materials and states of matter.


Through physics, we aim for children to develop their knowledge of light, sound, forces and magnets, seasonal changes, earth and space and electricity.


We aim to provide opportunities for children to develop their thinking through scientific enquiry. Through working scientifically, we aim to encourage our children to apply their knowledge and understanding to develop their skills and thinking as scientists.


As a school that promotes global citizenship and Catholic Character Education, we aim to encourage our children to:

*engage with social, cultural and economic contexts in which scientific enquiry takes place.

*consider the contribution of science to sustainability and climate change

*explore the contributions of different cultures and scientists on innovation and discovery.

Children at our school are encouraged to continue asking questions and to be curious about the world around them. When our children leave Corpus Christi, they will be inspired by the contribution of Christians whose faith and curiosity furthered science with their wonder and awe in God’s creation. 


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Awards we have achieved so far.

School Awards
