
Corpus Christi

Catholic Primary School

A Newman Partnership School within the Diocese of Portsmouth

Mission Statement

Mission Statement


Joyfully, unique in Jesus' family, we learn to use our special gifts to love, serve and make the world a better place

Our Mission Statement is very familiar to all our children. It underpins all the decisions made and reflects the ethos by which we live. We recognise that every child in our care is unique with their own special gifts. We have a Catholic approach to our curriculum that is based on our school Gospel Virtues. Throughout their time at Corpus Christi, we hope that all children will learn to use their special gifts to love, serve and make the world a better place. We would like all children to leave our school having experienced the ‘see - choose - act’ approach, where they look at an issue e.g. plastic pollution, make an informed decision about what it is doing to our planet, and then act on it perhaps through letter writing, fund raising or any other number of ways to raise awareness. We are continually adapting our curriculum to enhance the special gifts that God has given the children, and help them to discover the gifts that they have.

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If you would like a paper copy of any document held on our website, please contact the office.

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Awards we have achieved so far.

School Awards
