
Corpus Christi

Catholic Primary School

A Newman Partnership School within the Diocese of Portsmouth

School Performance Data

On this page you will find the results for statutory assessment for end of EYFS, Year 1 Phonics, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 at our school.  


Our results show that our pupils achieve well above national and local data at Expected Standard (EXS) and also at Greater Depth Standard (GDS).  We are very proud of the teaching we offer and the fantastic results out pupils consistently achieve.


Some of the abbreviations are explained here to help you.


EXS - Expected Standard - A child working at the expected standard is working at the level expected for their year group.


GDS - Greater Depth Standard - Working at greater depth means a child has mastered the learning expected for their age and year group and is therefore able to show a greater understanding of the learning possibly through justification and reasoning.



Early Years Foundation Stage


Children are defined as having reached a Good Level of Development (GLD) at the end of the EYFS if they have achieved the expected level for the early learning goals in the three prime areas of learning and the specific areas of mathematics and literacy. This helps our teachers and parents to understand broadly what a child can do in relation to national expectations.


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Awards we have achieved so far.

School Awards
