
Corpus Christi

Catholic Primary School

A Newman Partnership School within the Diocese of Portsmouth

What support will there be for my child's overall well-being?

Our families’ well-being is of the greatest importance to us.  We aim to ensure that all forms of support are understood by our families.  We know that children who feel happy and secure are more able to achieve and thrive within school and the wider community. We deeply care about each individual, aiming to share God’s love with everyone around us. Where a parent or carer has immediate concerns about their child, the school will look to meet with them as soon as possible at the parent's request.

 In recent years, we have had a whole school focus on well-being including positive mental health.  We have introduced 'Trickbox', a scheme to teach children and their families skills for positive mental health and supporting children with attachment difficulties.

 Some of the ways in which we support well-being include:

  • Individual and group Emotional Literacy Support (ELSA) work, supporting a wide variety of emotional needs including anxiety, anger and social skills.
  • Theraplay groups which promote positive attachment and self-esteem.
  • Think Bricks group - a group that empowers and inspires children to creatively build symbolic models to help them communicate and understand their thoughts, feelings, worries, aspirations, self-regulation, set goals and much more.
  • Young Carers group - We work with a charity called 'MyTime' and run a group, within school time, for children who support a family member.
  • The Lunch Bunch - a small, cosy club for children that find they need a quieter space to eat their lunch and gives them the chance to develop their social skills.
  • Buddy - Buddy is our school therapy dog and children are welcome to take him for a walk or sit and spend time with him.
  • Curriculum content in Relationships, Sex and Health Education and Religious Education.
  • Rainbows - a group that supports children with loss.
  • Class, Key Stage, whole school worship and mass.
  • Caring Cadets: Children trained to support others with issues in the playground.
  • Clear and consistent expectations throughout the school.
  • Consistent positive behaviour policy.
  • Celebrations of success.
  • All staff watch for any changes in behaviour or demeanour.

We always act in line with our anti-bullying policy and any cases are dealt with seriously by staff.  We raise awareness of anti-bullying issues through participation in the national Anti-Bullying Week initiative each year, led by the RSHE Leader & the School Council.

We take time to get to know your child and if there is an issue we always talk to your child and work through this with them.  We are always keen to discuss your child's well-being with you.  If further time or expertise is needed, children can spend time with one of our Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSAs) who are fully trained and supervised by Educational Psychologists.  This work often takes place in 'The Shell', our quiet sensory room.



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Awards we have achieved so far.

School Awards
