
Corpus Christi

Catholic Primary School

A Newman Partnership School within the Diocese of Portsmouth

How does Corpus Christi know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have Special Education Needs or a disability?

When Children enter Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School, we liaise closely with parents/carers and Early Years providers or other schools in order to ensure we have as full a picture of your child’s strengths and needs as possible when they join us. Parents or carers with children who have Special Educational Needs or a Disability (SEND) are extremely welcome to contact the school’s Inclusion Leader, Miss Amy Stewart, or the school’s Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo), Miss Eleanor Ring, in order to discuss their child and to have a tour with a focus upon their child’s needs when considering schools or before their child begins with us.


We see early identification of Special Educational Needs as vital.  This often takes place in our Foundation Stage. Children’s progress is measured in relation to Baseline Assessments.

Teachers continually plan, teach and assess in order to meet the needs of the children, adapting work and teaching methods as appropriate so that each child can fully access the Early Years and National Curriculum.  We monitor the children’s progress using regular assessment and data tracking; any children achieving below expected levels or whose progress rates have dropped are highlighted and monitored.  Other triggers for identification of SEND include difficulties in developing literacy or numeracy skills, persistent emotional or behavioural difficulties, sensory or physical difficulties and communication or interaction difficulties.


Many children require some extra support at different times or throughout their time at Corpus Christi, meaning discussions about how to best provide for the children in our care are on-going daily between staff and with parents/carers.


Information is collated from a number of sources including:

  • the child;
  • parent/carers;
  • health services;
  • staff working with the children in school.


If staff have a concern about your child, the Leader for Inclusion, SENCO or class teacher will talk with you at the earliest opportunity to share any concerns and agree a programme of intervention and support, working together to fully support your child’s needs.  As children’s needs change over time, the level and type of support will change with these needs.


If you have any concerns at all, you should speak to your child’s teacher who will work with you and your child together with the school’s Inclusion Leader. Our Headteacher, Mr Simon Lennon, is also available to discuss any concerns you may have.


Miss Amy Stewart has completed the national accreditation for SEN Leadership.


Some of the ways we work with families are through regular meetings to discuss children’s needs and progress, parent conferences, parenting courses, workshops and information evenings.  Please feel free to talk to the school at any time to find out more about these.


We also work closely with BCP Local Authority Support Services, outreach services, Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language Therapy and Health Care Professionals, sharing expertise and implementing advice within the classroom.

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Awards we have achieved so far.

School Awards
