What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by Corpus Christi?
We ensure that effective partnerships are developed and maintained with a range of agencies to support pupils’ learning and development fully.
We use outside agencies appropriately to support inclusion. It is essential for our children and families that education, health and social care services all work together to support development.
Outside agencies that we liaise with include:
Education: Educational Psychology Service and My Kind of Thinking for support with learning difficulties, BCP Outreach Service, the Local Authority SEN team, local secondary schools, pre-schools and nurseries.
Health: Speech and Language Therapy Service, Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS), physiotherapists (Poole Hospital), occupational therapists (Poole Hospital), school nurse, community paediatricians, Child Development Centre (Poole Hospital), Hearing and Vision Support Services, Health Visitors.
Social Care: Social services, Children's Centres, Young Carers, Early Help.