
Corpus Christi

Catholic Primary School

A Newman Partnership School within the Diocese of Portsmouth

Glossary of Terms

Additional Needs – The main term used when a child requires something different than is provided for the other children in the class.

Annual Review – A review of a Statement of Special Educational Needs which an education authority must undertake at least every 12 months.  Parents/Carers, the school and any other professionals working with the child attend this meeting.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) – A specific learning difficulty typically presenting as exceptionally low concentration span, poor working memory, limited organisational skills with extreme impulsivity.

Autistic Spectrum Disorder/Condition (ASD/C) – Autism is a processing difference that can have an impact on many areas of a person’s life. Autistic people will experience differences in three key areas:

  • social understanding and communication,
  • sensory processing
  • integration and flexible thinking, information processing and understanding

Down’s Syndrome – Down’s syndrome is a genetic condition caused by the presence of an extra chromosome 21 in the body’s cells.

Dyscalculia – A specific learning difficulty typically presenting itself in one or more of the main areas of Maths.  For example, difficulties using symbols and acquiring arithmetical skills particularly those requiring use of working memory, and spatial understanding.

Dyslexia – A specific learning difficulty typically presenting itself in one or more of the main areas of literacy.  Students will have difficulties with working memory and often organisational skills.  Students of all ability levels may have dyslexia.

Dyspraxia – A specific learning difficulty based around the brain’s transmission of signals that control gross and fine motor skills.  Dyspraxia typically affects planning of movements and coordination.  It can also impact language development.

Education Health Care Plan – These plans are statutory. They are created for children with multiple and complex needs and lay out the support an individual child needs to receive including outcomes for each educational key stage.

Educational Psychologist – A professional who helps in assessing children’s Special Educational Needs in giving advice to schools and parents.

Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) – TAs trained to provide emotional and social skills support to children.

English as Additional Language (EAL) – The term most widely used in schools for teaching English to pupils for whom English is not a first language.

Hearing Impairment – Difficulties based around fully or partially reduced functioning in one or both ear’s ability to detect and/or process sounds.

Inclusion – The practice of educating children with Special Educational Needs in mainstream schools where it’s possible and beneficial.

Individual Education Plan (IEP) – A document to plan and record actions being undertaken to meet the additional needs of a child.  The targets should be short term and achievable. IEPs are reviewed at least three times a year.

Local Authority (LA) – The organisation responsible for providing or coordinating public services.

Special Educational Needs (SEN) – A learning difficulty that makes it harder for a child to learn or access education than it is for most children of the same age.

SEN Support – Additional support provided for children with Special Educational Needs.

SEND – Special Education Needs and Disabilities.

SEND Code of Practice – A document from the government which provides practical advice to those carrying out their statutory duties to identify, assess and make provision for children’s Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.

SENDIASS - Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Services for Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole.

Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) – Support planned for by a Speech and Language Therapist for children who have a range of specific learning difficulties related to all aspects of communication in children and young people.  These can include difficulties with fluency, forming sounds and words, formulating sentences and understanding what others say.

Visual Impairment – Difficulties based around fully or partially reduced functioning in one or both eyes’ ability to detect and/or process images.

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Awards we have achieved so far.

School Awards
