
Corpus Christi

Catholic Primary School

A Newman Partnership School within the Diocese of Portsmouth

How will both the school and I know how my child/is doing and how will Corpus Christi help me to support my child's learning?

We work closely with all parents and carers to support all children and to quickly identify any needs.  We continually monitor the progress of our children through a wide range of assessment strategies, and when concerns arise, we share these with parents.  Within the school, we share our expertise in different areas, to assess and plan for the development of different skills. We formally record data concerning children’s progress and achievement regularly and this is monitored by year teams and the Senior Leadership Team.


We share your child’s achievements and progress with you in a variety of ways, including:

  • Our open door policy – Class Teachers are keen to talk with parents, before school, at the end of the day or to make an appointment at a mutually agreeable time;
  • Parent consultation appointments;
  • An annual report;
  • Individual Education Plan meetings (in some cases)


These methods give you a chance to share with staff about your child’s progress out of school.  If your child has Special Educational Needs and/or a Disability, there will also be regular reviews to closely monitor and discuss their progress.  This may also involve any other professionals working with your child (e.g. Speech & Language Therapists, Educational Psychologists).

If your child has an Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP), they will also have an Annual Review meeting at least once a year to review previous targets and to plan for the year ahead.  This should be attended by you and all professionals currently involved with your child.  In many cases, the child also attends for some or all of the meeting.


These meetings will usually be organised by the school and take place in school.  The notes and outcomes from the meeting are formally recorded and are used to shape future provision for your child.  You receive copies of all of the paperwork produced about your child and your permission is always sought before any outside agencies become involved.


There are many ways that you can support your child’s learning including:

  • Reading the curriculum letters sent out each term to see what your child will be learning about;
  • Reading the school newsletter to find out what is coming up and talking to your child about it to prepare them for future events;
  • Supporting your child with their home learning by structuring a time and space for them to complete their home learning at regular times in the week;
  • Reading to or listening to your child read before bedtime;
  • Looking at your child’s learning targets and finding ways to look at them throughout the day.  For example, paying for items in shops and finding change or reading signs when out and about.


Parents of children with an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) should be clear about ways they can support their child to meet their targets, through discussing these with the Class Teacher, Inclusion Leader or SENCo.

Parents are warmly invited to access a listening and caring ear from either our Pastoral Support Workers - Mrs Eileen Froud/Miss Sam Clarke, our Inclusion Leader - Miss Amy Stewart or our SENCo - Miss Eleanor Ring.

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If you would like a paper copy of any document held on our website, please contact the office.

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Awards we have achieved so far.

School Awards
