School Gospel Virtues (Our Values)
Our School Gospel Virtues
Our school Mission Statement is the foundation for our provision for Catholic Character Education. As a distinctively Catholic school, we believe that the Gospel values, rooted in the Beatitudes, should be enacted through the practice of their corresponding virtues. Virtues are values in action.
We seek to promote growth in the understanding and practice of virtues throughout the whole school community and embodied fully in all aspects of school life. Catholic Character Education, and the formation of all aspects of the human person through the pursuit of the virtues, not only enhances the education of the individual, but also promotes the common good and the flourishing of human society in the world.
‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me.’
John 14:6
Our School Gospel Virtues - EYFS/Key Stage 1
Our School Gospel Virtues - Key Stage 2