
Corpus Christi

Catholic Primary School

A Newman Partnership School within the Diocese of Portsmouth

The Sandwell Charter Mark

We are the first Bournemouth school to achieve 

The Sandwell Charter Mark for Wellbeing


We are extremely proud to announce that our school has been awarded The Sandwell Charter Mark for Wellbeing, in recognition for our whole school commitment to developing mental health and wellbeing across all members of the school including staff, children, governors and parents. The award was achieved through a process of whole school audit involving questionnaires, focus group discussion and the gathering of specific data. There are eight key principles of the charter mark which include Pupil Voice, Working with Parents and Staff Development.


Educational Psychologists from BCP Council managed the audit, analysed the feedback with the school leaders and supported us in developing our action plan. The outcomes of the audit were rated to show the school’s commitment to develop and improve practices in the school curriculum, and through wider activities which impact on the wellbeing of all in the school community, to ensure optimum outcomes for the children. 


We are highly honoured to be recognised as the first school in Bournemouth to have received this award, which has been publicised widely by BCP Council, on local radio as well as in the Bournemouth Echo. The report will be placed on our website for you to read (on our Wellbeing pages). Many thanks to the whole school community for your support. 

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Awards we have achieved so far.

School Awards
