
Corpus Christi

Catholic Primary School

A Newman Partnership School within the Diocese of Portsmouth

How accessible is Corpus Christi?

The physical environment of Corpus Christi is fully accessible.

  • There is a disabled parking bay in the school car park and another in St. James's Square outside of the school for easy access. 
  • There is a lift to access the first floor and level floors throughout.
  • There are accessible washroom facilities in both buildings.  Adjustments have been made to specific areas within the children’s toilets, as appropriate, to support individuals with independent use of the toilets.  For example, the addition of handrails and platforms.
  • Classrooms are adjusted, as appropriate, to make them accessible for all.  For example, the arrangement of furniture and the addition of sound absorbing boards.
  • Around the school, children have access to resources to aid their learning as appropriate. For example, hearing packs, specialist seating etc.
  • Where appropriate, staff attend medical training to allow children with medical needs to participate fully in school life.  Staff receive epipen training annually and other training as needed.
  • Every class uses visual timetables to help them know what is happening throughout the day.
  • All children are different and many adaptations are made according to their individual needs.


We follow the advice of specialists in ensuring our school is fully accessible.

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Awards we have achieved so far.

School Awards
