
Corpus Christi

Catholic Primary School

A Newman Partnership School within the Diocese of Portsmouth

Family Wellbeing

Meet our ELSA

School Navigator

Well-being and ELSA

Our families’ well-being is of the greatest importance to us.  We aim to ensure that all forms of support are understood by our families.  We know that children who feel happy and secure are more able to achieve and thrive within school and the wider community and we deeply care about each individual, aiming to share God’s love with everyone around us. Where a parent or carer has immediate concerns about their child the school will look to meet with them as soon as possible.


Some of the ways in which we support well-being for the whole family include:


Emotional Literacy Support

We have three fully trained Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSAs) who are supervised by Educational Psychologists. They carry out excellent work supporting many of our children 1:1 and in small groups with a wide variety of emotional needs including anxiety, anger and social skills. This work often takes place in ‘The Shell’ our quiet sensory room.


Rainbows Group

Our Rainbows group supports children as they navigate grief and heal from loss, whether from death, divorce, deployment, or other trauma. Rainbows fosters awareness that children require support to heal and uses a variety of methods to allow children to explore their loss. We have three trained Rainbows facilitators who run a group for our Key Stage 2 children each year. For further information please talk to Mrs Froud, Mrs Mugan or Miss Stewart.


Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Religious Education

PSHE and RE curriculum content promotes the well-being of our children and of the whole school and wider community. This year we are focusing in PSHE on children recognising and promoting their own positive mental health and across the school we are focusing on well-being


Celebrations of Success

We celebrate success in school throughout school life in a range of ways from ongoing daily praise and rewards from staff to weekly headteacher’s awards for achievement and half termly golden apples for children who display our Gospel Virtues. 


Class, Key Stage, Whole School Worship and Mass

Mass and worship within school help to unite us as the body of Christ and guide us as a school community to reflect on our own well-being and that of others.



All staff in our school act within our clear and consistent positive behaviour policy. Any cases of bullying are dealt with seriously by staff in line with our anti-bullying policy. We raise awareness of anti-bullying issues through participation in the national Anti-Bullying week initiative each year, led by the RHSE Coordinator & the school council.

We take time to get to know your child and all staff watch for any changes in behaviour or demeanour. If there is an issue we always talk to your child and work through this with them. We are always keen to discuss your child’s well-being with you.

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Awards we have achieved so far.

School Awards
